Candlelight Christian Fellowship is committed to the safety and well-being of every person we serve.
Therefore, inasmuch as we have many safety and security protocols, we desire to specifically address the issue of unattended minor care for those who may be allowed in or committed to our ministry programs and when on Candlelight properties.
In the absence of an adult Candlelight member, attending parent/guardian, or non-attending
parent/guardian, minors must be treated with the same care and safety protocols we wish to provide an adult. Therefore, in the event of injury, disruptive behavior, immoral actions, crime, etc., all minors will be subject to the following:
If a minor is injured on, within, or while involved in a Candlelight ministry program, treatment or care
must be given by parental or guardian consent. Therefore, all minors who are left on the premises or allowed to participate in a ministry program must have, on file, a medical release form, signed by a parent or guardian. All ministry leaders must keep on hand and have accessible said form, and be prepared to both contact a parent/guardian and/or offer medical assistance. Emergency care, fire and rescue personnel, hospital staff, etc., must have access to a copy if or when needed. Moreover, a Candlelight security staff/volunteer member must fill out an incident report and file per the normal protocols.
Disruptive Behavior
If a minor is in any way disruptive and/or demonstrates behavior in conflict with normal behavioral
standards, that minor’s parent must be notified and the minor(s) must be asked to leave the room or activity.
If a minor is asked to leave a room or activity and a parent or guardian is unavailable/unreachable, that
minor must be supervised and cared for by an adult leader or adult Candlelight member as assigned until a parent or guardian is informed and able to pick up and take responsibility for the minor.
Non-Criminal Immoral Actions
If a minor in the care of a Candlelight leader is acting inappropriately via an act of non-criminal immoral
action, that minor must be removed from the presence of or place of other minors in a ministry program. If this does occur, the minor’s parent or guardian must be notified.
If a minor is removed from a room or activity, and a parent or guardian is unavailable/unreachable, that
minor must be supervised and cared for by an adult leader or adult Candlelight member as assigned until a parent or guardian is informed and able to pick up and take responsibility for the minor.
In the event of an immoral action, a Candlelight security staff/volunteer member must fill out an incident
report and file per the normal protocols. A copy must them be provided to the elders.
Duration of Disciplinary Action(s)
If a minor is under discipline for disruptive action(s) or non-criminal behavior, the Candlelight leader,
along with the elder board, shall make a case-by-case decision concerning the nature and duration of said
discipline. No Candlelight leader shall make a permanent action decision without the assistance of the elder board.
Modification of Nature or Duration of Disciplinary Action(s)
In the event the elders along with the ministry leader determine that the nature and/or duration of a
disciplinary action needs modification, a modification may only be made by the elders with the assistance of the ministry leader.
In the event a minor commits a crime, that minor must be removed from the presence of or place of
other minors in a ministry program. If this does occur, the minor’s parent or guardian must be notified.
If a minor is removed from a room or activity, and a parent or guardian is unavailable/unreachable, that
minor must be supervised and cared for by an adult leader or adult Candlelight member as assigned until a parent, guardian, or law enforcement agent is informed and able to pick up and take responsibility for the minor.
In the event of a crime, a Candlelight security staff/volunteer member must fill out an incident report
and file per the normal protocols, and a copy provided to the elders.
Right of Entry or Participation
Candlelight reserves the right to allow or disallow any and all Non-Member or Non-Present member
children/minors to participate in any Candlelight program—for any reason. Candlelight is a member
organization and our programs and activities are open to non-members by invitation